Szentendre, 2021.02.28.
Ilyen szép is tud lenni egy belvizes terület… Szentendre határában korcsolyázni szoktak itt, ha télen befagy, négy éve pedig kibicajoztam ide, és elénekeltem ezt a moldvai csángó dalt. Egy kicsit szomorú, de remélem, ezzel a videóval nem az, hanem inkább felemelő.
Inundation can be this beautiful... This area at the outskirts of Szentendre (Hungary) is often under water, and people skate on it when it freezes in the winter. Four years ago I cycled there and sang this Moldavian Csángó song (traditional Hungarian, Csángós live in the Eastern part of Romania and they preserve the oldest Hungarian language and customs). It's a little sad story, but I hope that with this video it will be rather uplifting experience.
Madárka, madárka,
Áraszd meg a vizet,
Áraszd meg a vizet,
Hadd írjak levelet!
Apámnak, s anyámnak,
Szűbeli mátkámnak,
Hadd tudják meg ők es,
Kihez adtak engem.
Hatökrös gazdának,
Hatökrös gazdának,
Nagy lovaskatonának.
Birdie, birdie,
Make the waters flood,
Make the waters flood,
So that I can write a letter.
To my father 'n to my mother,
To my sweetheart,
So that they find out to whom
They have given me.
To a farmer with six oxen,
To a trooper,
To a farmer with six oxen,
To a great trooper.
Koncert improvizáció ezzel a dallal, Fekete-Kiss Sándorral // Concert improvisation of this tune, with Sándor Fekete-Kiss, Composer
Szimmetria Fesztivál Budapest, 2003.
"This composition and performance is quite unique. The music is traditional, yet progressive, complex yet beautifully simple. An awesome, nearly unbelievable voice, harmonizing with drifting, choir-like echoes." -BeSonic
" 'Very filmic' . This reminds me of Lisa Gerrard's vocal work with Hans Zimmer for the film "Gladiator". If I didn't know it was Hungarian, I would assume it was probably Arabic -- it has the same sort of melodic fluidity and almost arrhythmic structure of the Arabic music I'm familiar with. Now I'm going to go off and wonder if there's any cultural cross-pollination between Eastern European and Middle Eastern music....oh, yes, by the way, this is a wonderful piece of music and you should buy it. Now." - BeSonic
A teljes felvétel közel 18 perc; itt meghallgathatod, és ha tetszik, letöltheted: // The full track is nearly 18 minutes long; you can listen to it here, and download it, if you like:
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