A tömegtájékoztatást azzal a céllal hozták létre, hogy elfedjék az emberek szeme elől az igazságot és meghatározzák, miről mit gondoljanak. A valódi újságírás célja az igazság keresése és az információszabadság védelme. Erre törekszem, tartson velem!
Become a part of an uplifting, happy, helpful, talented, supportive and respectful photography community today! We’re all here to have fun together and we'd love for you to join!
Master Substack, write, build your DREAM business with joy! Global Top 10 Publication.
Twice monthly space holding (co-working, workshops, teaching).
Weekly chats, podcasts. A bespoke membership to help you stay creative and grow on Substack! 💫
Here you will find articles about faith, spirituality, family, psychology, as well as writing prompts, podcasts and videos. Come and engage in meaningful conversations dealing with our world and wellbeing.
Celebrate the beautiful reality of your dream life and business right here, right now.
Updates from a slow-lived life on the Northumberland Coast, thoughtful tools to help enhance your creativity and wellbeing. 💫
Stay up to date with a fresh and unbiased scientific perspective on world events. Learn practical tips for living a healthier, more meaningful life—because knowledge is power, as is well-being!