(Magyar: Utolsó napjaim Vikingföldön)
This is where I lived in my last year in Sweden: Färingsö Island, just outside Stockholm. Walks around the house, in the first days of December 2012.
As Lucia Day is traditionally one of the biggest holidays for Swedish people, celebrating light bringer Saint Luc (Sankta Lucia), I created this video from my last Lucia Day and around that I spent there:
A few unedited photos so that you can get the real feeling as well:
Nearly an everyday sight...
I shot this from my good warm room
I lived in this cottage for several months. On holidays, my landlord hoisted the Swedish flag.
The lake is beyond the trees.
I met them every day.
Inside it's quite cozy...
And the location, close to the water on the South side of the island: Map
And the reason why I named the area Viking Land was that on one of the small islands close by (Björkö, two islands to the West from) stood the first Viking town, Birka, which was built in the mid-700s. Fun fact: the Hungarian word "birka" means "sheep".
My artistic photography
If you liked these pictures, please visit this page too, where you can choose from my photography works: photos for licensing, wall art.
Mälaren, third biggest lake in Sweden. A few hundred meters from my cottage.
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By doing so, you will help me so that I will not need to sing in the streets that much: since Covid, that is my main source of income but it’s draining my physical and mental energy terribly, and it’s especially hard because of my diseased legs. Instead, I could be working ony booking real gigs, make new recording and could publish much more posts. I have an enourmous number of photos, songs, videos and writings that are still waiting in my drawer, and they could fill books...
Thank you very much, and this way you will not only be part of Nagyon köszönöm, és azon kívül, hogy ily módon Te is részese leszel az alkotások megszületésének, and not only me but Karma will love you, too! 😍